What is KLIFE?

We cared so much for you that we were pleased to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own lives, because you had become dear to us.
— 1 Thessalonians 2:8

KLIFE is a community-wide, interdenominational Christian ministry of discipleship and fellowship for youth and their families. Through a variety of activities (small group Bible studies, Super K, events), KLIFE kids grow in their faith and have lots of fun in the process. They learn that following Christ and discovering His plan for their life is the most exciting adventure of all and that they can count on friendship and support from leaders and peers who care.

KLIFE works alongside churches and families in the community to teach and encourage kids to be strong in the Lord in spite of all the negative pressures they face as teenagers. KLIFE networks kids from different churches, and those without a church affiliation, to build positive, Godly relationships that can withstand the negative peer pressure so prevalent in today’s youth culture. The heartbeat of KLIFE lies in the ability to build relationships with kids and bring the content of God’s word to bear on those relationships.